Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Posted by Chris James at 11:55 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The Dream
The one and only thing that would be so awesome would be to meet some of my favorite players like alex rodrigez many ramerez david ortiz ken griffey jr. Jean-Sabastian Gigure but most of all I would like to play a game with them all but the one I would love to take bp off when i am in the homerun derby is chone figgens he is the coolest and fastest guy I have ever met he could get an infield homerun and not break a sweat and he could probably do it on a base knock to the hole he is really cool I wish i could meat him so bad I wonder if he reads my blog?
Posted by Chris James at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
This is the one we have all been waiting for!!!!
Football yes it is that time for all us sportsfans time of the frozen tundra and the vince lumbardi trophy to one man and one place this is where someone will think that big ben will bring it homje and will be very disapointed at the end and I bet tou that they will be dissapointing blowout in the super bowl and some prefomer will choke and it will go all wrong.
Posted by Chris James at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Very Sad And Irresponsible Score
"The other day I was talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking....."I said. "But thats like normal so lets get on to something more interesting I was talking" I explained. (What a coincidink I thin I have said that more than oncelike more like fifty times now) "Ok lets get on with the blog already!!!" Said the smart side of me. "You know I am really just talking to myself." I Realized
"No I didn't know that DUFUS!!!!"
"Hey, not nice."
"Exactly my point" I pointed out.
Anyways my blog is called The very sad and irresponisible score now that could many things like a fight or a rivalry... But on my blog it means it has somthing to do with baseball like always mom and dad everything has to be about sports with me.
Well this story is about a baseball game that was played in an allstar tounament that didn't count and the "SCORE" was 36-5 and of course there was problems like there running up the score and they were bunting stealing like a regular BASEBALLGAME is supposed to be played and the parents were complaining like always and people were complaining about the field. Like that was a suprise I mean it is our field and we had everything to do with all the terrible things that we had to do with really I have no idea what This has to do with my blog entry and title.
Posted by Chris James at 7:45 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I was watchin tv the other day and this car show was on and thier were so many different kinds of gas, like natural gas, electric, Hydrogen??? So on and so forth and I thought to my self. "What kind of car is my dream car and how would it look." Ask your self the same thing mine is a porche blue with areally high spoiler and graphics.
Posted by Chris James at 8:10 AM 2 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Posted by Chris James at 1:07 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Scout Camps or Tournaments????
Ok everybody I need your help with a couple of things. Ok the first thing is a decision should i go to scout camp or baseball games I will have more fun at scout camps but my coach will get mad at me for missing games so I am so confused and dont know what I should do. My friends are so awesome I have a friend that I went to classic skating with and i saw diana, and jake pennington there and I saw hi and talked and after that me and austin had fun at the water park and went on the slides those were really fun I had a great time with him yesterday. Then I went to my aunts house and played rockband and i had a great time it was fun jermy's mom tried and we had fun.
P.S. If you play rock band with jermy have him play guitar!!!
Posted by Chris James at 7:56 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
This is the most fun thing ever ALLSTARS!!!!! I made the allstar team this year for my baseball league and it is going to be awesome because I think that we are going to do good it looks like I might play first base the only thing wrong with that is that useually a first base man hits alot of home runs and I dont do that and, I hit like a shortstop but i am not fast enough, i play D like a 3rd baseman but I hit base hits and I think that it will be fun.
Posted by Chris James at 10:44 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
It is that time again SUMMER!!! That is the time of no school, swimming, friends, and good movies, like: Indiana Jones, Kung Fu Panda, Wall-e, and so on and so fotrth.
Swimming is my most favorite part of summer, @ the hunter pool it is fun because of the diving board when we went for our school I did a belly flop, well it was more like a face flop but it still hurt.
For the summer I want to go to Kung Fu Panda, Lagoon, Cedar Point, and this time i will actually go on Wicked it will be awesome and I am hoping that this summer will be great I will want to go play football, this will be an experiance for me.
Yesterday I went to rmr for the races and it was fun those cars were loud and my friend Tracy Eton won the race he took control of the race in the first lap, this may sound wierd but he does the figure 8 cars and it is really fun to watch.
Some of those drivers were Pathetic!!! one qualified in 1st and finished last i mean I could do better than that in fact I have at lagoon I sapped 6 drivers in 5 min. and i started last that is what i call patiance really good paitiance.
Posted by Chris James at 1:20 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 31, 2008
School & The Principle
This is the most stupid idea in the world SCHOOL! Mom and dads of the world dont say. "But its important." 'Cause it is really not. I mean that with the tech. that we have we should make some kind of pill or a thinking cap dosent your teacher always say "Put your thinking caps on please." It is just so stupid luckily I am in the sixth grade and I am leaving for good good because the stupid princeaple at our school favors the lower grades so she bags on us when we do crappy on our tests when she buys all the good supplies for the younger grades and we showed her up she was bagging on us about our test scores and then we told her to take the test because of our teacher she is the coolest big props to Mrs. Marsing because our menchmark scores for the whole sixth grade was 85% and she got a 20% score she needs to shut including all princeaples she needs tto shut her mouth before she says a word.
Posted by Chris James at 4:11 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
This is a day of rememberance of those who have died by: visiting thier graves, set flowers, clean up the graves,so on and so forth. The most important part about labor day is remembering the men and women at war, and those that have died in war. Unfortanately I have family bolth, at war, and who had died in war. It really sucks to be at bolth ends of the line but it really comforts you that they come home safe and sound. Once when me and my family went to the airport to pick up my uncle from I saw a family crying so I asked if they were allright they said that they had lost thier dad at war that will just break your heart, so today take a second to remember those who have protected thier contry, who have died for our safety. Just stop and think.
Posted by Chris James at 4:40 PM 2 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
What a day.
Yesterday I went to the Blaze game and what an experience! That was really fun!!!
Note: if you don't like loud noises, wierd costumes, and alot of cheerleaders, dont go.
When I say "wierd costumes" trust me those people are crazy just for a football game course I wore a Joe Germane jersey 40 sizes too big that is a different story what the guy that gave me the jersey got a wrong description of me (my dad gave him the description)
That game is different than the traditional game like how the field is 50 yards long if you have a good leg you could kick a field goal the distance of the field, no seriously you guys have to go to one it is fun.
The "Indy 500" is the coolest type of open weeled racing there is 200 m/h av. around 1 1/2 mile track those are fast cars Danica needs to win more she is getting more credit than most would give to a girl. She just need to get more wins. Post comments in proper language please
Posted by Chris James at 1:46 PM 4 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Yes you saw it I am 13 years old and I love sports. I love the Clevland Indians, the Utah Jazz, the Utah Grizzlies, American Le Mans, the New Oreleans Saints, the Runnin' Utes, so on and so forth. If you have never heard of the American Le Mans it is the Ferrati's, the Porches so on and so forth so just all the exotic cars there is this type called the Prototypes and they are the coolest they are the Audi diesels they go way fast like 330 km/h wich is like 220 m/h around the lhm track. If you don't know what le mans means it means the mans sport (le mans) lol. I also like the Pittsburg Penguins I think that the Penguins win the Stanley Cup finals in 6 that match up is going to be tight maybe even 7.
Posted by Chris James at 2:12 PM 0 comments