Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Recent News

Kate is playing today and I can't wait to see her play because I haven't been able to see her play yet. Yesterday Kate had a game but Mike Hightower called practice and I really didn't want to be there I would rather go and watch my baby sister play softball than go to practice! But no I had no choice my dad is the coach for the 13u team and I have no problem about that but I would rather go support my sister. I also wanted to go what was it two saturdays ago but I had to do the scouting food drive wich was okay but nobody showed up so it was me, Nichon, Ev, and some of the 11 year olds. The 11 year olds are kinda wierd they need to mature just a little.

My sister Kate ran family home evening this week and she did a great job. She did better than I would've ever done! She had a paper that had all the recent events like she had that Kolbie had a field trip and that it was April Fools Day all that kinda stuff. She did amazing! Good job Kate!

Friend News: Austin Anderson finally, and I mean FINALLY got a facebook I thought that it would never happen! Jake Simper invited me to his party wich I thought that he wouldn't I have to go See yah!!!!!


Jill said...

Good post! It makes me happy to hear that you love your sister so much and that your proud of her. Your a great kid!